Get more done faster

Unlock Healthcare's Digital Front Door

Unlock the future of healthcare with Steer Health’s award-winning Digital Front Door solution. Build a seamless pathway to superior care across all channels, and drive remarkable ROI.

Increase in online appointment bookings and referrals
0 %
Decrease in administrative workload
0 %
Boost in new patient acquisition
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Human Centric AI Automations

Converting Visitors into Loyal Patients

Patients are the lifeblood of your organization. At Steer Health, we understand the importance of conversion. Our Digital Front Door is crafted to turn visitors into customers with high conversion rates and offer tailored experiences that meet individual needs and preferences, fostering trust and loyalty.

Elevate Patient Acquisition and Retention

Maximize Care Capacity

Say goodbye to bottlenecks and hello to optimized patient flow:

We direct patients to facilities with greater availability, ensuring efficient use of healthcare resources. Our clients have seen a 22% increase in care capacity utilization and a 35% reduction in average wait times.

Personalization from the First Click

Eliminate the Busywork

Let your staff focus on what matters most – patient care:

Our AI-powered system handles the routine, freeing your team to deliver exceptional care. Healthcare providers using our solution report a 50% decrease in administrative workload, allowing staff to focus on high-value tasks.

Elevate Patient Acquisition and Retention

Boost Conversion Rates

Turn visitors into loyal patients:

Watch your patient acquisition soar with our conversion-focused design. Healthcare providers leveraging our Digital Front Door have experienced a 22% boost in new patient acquisition.

Personalization from the First Click

All Venues of Care, One Unified Solution

Whether it’s:

Our Digital Front Door supports and optimizes all care settings, providing a consistent experience across the entire patient journey.

Proven Results

Increase in Care
0 %
Reduction in Inbound Call Volumes
0 %
Boost in Revenue
0 %
Return on
0 x

Trusted by Leading Healthcare Organizations

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Dr. Vinnie Sharma

VP of Medical Groups, Prime Healthcare

The past three years coming out of the COVID pandemic, have placed a lot of strain on health care systems, medical groups, as well as hospitals, as we try to serve our patient’s needs in a safe and convenient manner. So one source of immense help has been these advanced technological platforms utilizing AI like Steer Health. And with these, we were able to streamline a lot of these administrative tasks while making things convenient for the patients.

Ready To Power A Better Healthcare Experience For Your People?